We were awaken today by our NICU nurse saying, "Dr. B says they can go home today!" It took a minute or two for the shock to sink in. We were going to be taking our boys home... there were lots of emotions, excitement, nervousness. We had home basketball games today, Daddy had a tripleheader at the Cliff, while Momma's Mustangs played at home as well. Since they had to pass the car seat test still, we decided to bring them home after the basketball games. We had to fill out some paperwork and pack up the room which had been our home for the good part of 50 days. That was the amount of time we all spent in the NICU... 50 days. Carrying the boys out of the NICU, down the hall, into the elevator and out the door was an amazing feeling. Momma sat in the back between the boys and was all smiles the enire trip. Daddy drove slow, so the four minute drive took more like six minutes. When we got them home and carried them upstairs, the Bodammer clan was there waiting with signs and balloons. The reaction on Momma's face to the surprise greeting was priceless. They hung out for awhile this evening and took turns holding the boys. A few hours after eating soup and some fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, they all headed for home and we prepped the boys for their first night of sleep in a new environment.