
End of the year Banquet

This year I volunteered our house to have the end of the year banquet...some of you may say you are nuts, I say no it will be fine.  We wanted to do something a little more laid back and honestly our house is big enough and we have enough space for everyone why rent somewhere.  We wanted to do a park or something but if it would rain then would have to move it so I said lets just do my house and the girls loved the idea.  The only problem was it was going to be in our garage and we had a three car garage that we couldn't see the third car stale.  So nonetheless we had some work to do, but honestly it is something we wanted to do since we have moved and finally gotten settled so this got us moving.  Last week we started on it with Jared getting his master's and coaching wasn't a lot of time before then.  So our good friend Craigheads helped us get started last Sunday.  Boy did we have a lot of SHIT!!!  Jared spent many many late nights down there cleaning it up and not only placing it somewhere else actually going through things and throwing things that needed to be thrown, take stuff to Habitat that needed to go there or garage sale pile.  We made some awesome progress and I cleaned it like crazy throughout the week and Friday even mopped the floor, which everyone said I was nuts:).  Anyways all the work was worth it because the banquet was a HIT!! Everyone loved it many said it was the best banquet they have been to, so that is good and bad.  Great it went great but bad because I think it will always be at my house.  But no honestly it was a lot of fun and really not a lot of work.  We had each class bring different salads, desserts, appetizers, etc. so I didn't have to cook just cleaned.  The boys could nap when they were tired so it worked out GREAT!  We all had a good time.  After eating (we grilled out, Jared and Jeremy grilled), we did awards and then just hung out and played bags!  One of the parents set up a bags tournament which was a lot of fun!! Guess who won?  Yep, Jared and his teammate Jan Trask (One of my players moms).  Fun had by all.  That night Craigheads came over for dinner and to hang out!
Parents, coaches and Koda

A little bags...Hanna(one of my players) and parents

Denny(one of our assistant coaches) Jared and parents

The boys and I and Koda, boys having snack after nap and watching the bags tournament

Landon, Hi dad

Tristan watching the tournament

Tristan left, Landon right

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