
Days following surgery

The days following surgery were ok, the nights SUCKED they did not sleep much at all but then again when I have a sore throat I don't sleep real great either.  They would wake up between 8-9 most days and it would take them until 1-2 to actually wake up for the day.  They would come lay on the couch and just sleep on an off.  Then we would get up and try some lunch, soft foods, drinks and such.  We let them carry around a sippy cup with water but had to be careful because we took the stoppers out(things that make sippy cups not spill) so it didn't hurt their throats as bad.  I let them pretty much eat and drink whatever they wanted to except hard things that would have hurt them.  The first night Landon was eating and choked...literally choked had to finger sweep him to get the meat out of his mouth.  It was scary and he doesn't chew normally so with his throat swollen he wasn't able to swallow.  We did a lot of hanging out the house and cuddling, which I was alright with but felt like I got absolutely NOTHING done.  

This was a few min. they felt good, they would play for a little bit and then come lay or sit back down

20 min. of play wore them out

Taking medicine like big boys...wasn't always the case but as much as they had to take it did pretty good.

Tristan taking his "me self"

"me do it" says Landon

Brotherly love when not feeling well!


after bath..Landon showing his personalty off not happy because I feel crabby Tristan laid back oh well

Boots and donuts

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