

Tonight we went to the circus and the boys LOVED it!!   From the moment we walked in the door their eyes were glued to the floor and all the action.  The first thing they saw were the miniature ponies and hey just kept saying horses, horses... they didn't want to walk to our seats because they thought they would miss something.  Finally we got to our seats and Jared had to get mini donuts, of course the boys loved those too!  Boys sat on our laps but they did great and were so into what was going on the whole show.  It started at 7 and we didn't leave until about 10 which was long for them but they seemed to enjoy it.
It always amazing me how an elephant can do things like this and move like they do with as much as they way...crazy!

Tristan into the show

We were trying to get Landon to look at the camera but he couldn't take his eyes off the elephants
 At intermission we went down to the floor and they loved walking around and seeing the "horses", camels, and elephants up close.  I would say their favorite were the ponies but the next favorite was the motorcycles.

They had 5 motorcycles in a big ball type thing which was crazy they got 5 in there.  Then over the big ball was another motorcycle doing flips off the ramps.  Landon and and I keep saying WOW WOW and laughing every time he did flips!  Overall, was a great experience and boys loved it!  

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of them holding hands! They are so stinkin' cute!! Can they teach the Burdorf boys to not pull hair and scratch each others faces?! :)
