
Potty training

So this week I decided to start potty training, the boys seemed ready so I started!  Well, lets just say I was pretty frustrated the last couple of days.  The first day was just easing into it, day two was full underwear and they did GREAT! Only a couple poopy accidents and one pee from Landon.  Tristan woke up dry from his nap which was a big step!  Tristan was dry all day until we had to go to kindermusik which I thought was hard because the toiliets there were BIG and they had to have a pull up on.  Day three was pretty good for the sitter in the morning only poopy accidents and went pee on potty.  but for me in the afternoon is when frustration set in.  Landon woke up wet from nap(no big deal expected) and tried to go but didn't have to.  Tristan woke up DRY from a three hour nap so I was thinking wow Tristan is really get the hang of this!  But then...we sat on potty both boys and neither went so that is fine (I thought) we will try again in 20 min.  (I had the timer set for 15-20 min).  Then we go outside and with in a minute Tristan pees and Landon pee a min. later.  So as I am frustrated we go back in try again and change and go back out.  Yep you guessed it another accident.  So then I decide maybe they are to busy outside we need to go inside for awhile.  And they Landon was playing with the potty and Tristan was trying to go and I got frustrated and min. later we were ALL crying! :)  sorta funny now but Wednesday was not so funny:).  Anyways our afternoon went on with more and more accidents.  So I woke up Thursday with different attitude and said they are only two and maybe they are not ready but I will try again.  The sitter texts me saying potty training is not going as well today... and it continued when I go home.  Lots of accidents.  I even got new books and potty's for them.  They were excited for the potty's and books we sat on them for about 15-20 min. reading and then outside to pee (accident).  So I decided to try another idea my friend gave me with her boy.  Since it is nice out we went outside naked, just a shirt, I had been doing just shorts or just underwear.  This way I said if they went potty I would just say good job you went potty and not go through so much clothes and maybe they needed to figure out peeing more then I thought.  That went ok, they peed and POOPED, yep Tristan pooped outside:) I sorta laughed at that.  He says, "mommy poop, mommy poop".  I said, "you pooped?" Yep he said and I went over they and yep he sure did.  So we went inside cleaned up and stayed inside with just shorts on and trying potty every 20-30 min.(I didn't know if I was having them go too often).  But we kept having accidents so about 5:00 after a good 4 days I decided they were NOT ready yet and I just need to relax and try again some day.  I was getting too frustrated and it was not worth it, I was getting mad at my little guys for no reason(well reason but not a good reason).  I was talking to a friend of mine and she said don't stress this small stuff it will happen sooner than later and then the real stress will come when they are driving. I stopped and thought about that twin 16 year olds driving...now that is STRESSFUL!!:).  So as much as I thought they are ready and showing signs maybe they are not.  I hope to try again in a couple weeks or so when i can find some time and hopefully it goes better.  I started comparing myself to others...I would hear my 18 month old is totally potty trained, boys are harder to train than girls, boys are easy, why are you trying already they are too young, when are you going to potty train?  UGGGGHHHH so with that I leave you with don't stress the small stuff and my kids nor anyone else will go to high school with a diaper on.  If they are not ready they are not ready.  I told myself that they are my boys and perfect in their own way even if they are not "potty trained" by such an age or date!  When they are 5 or 10 no one is going to say you were not potty trained until xx years old, and if they do I may have words with them.:)

Happy FRIDAY everyone!

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