
Big 3 Year Olds

Today the boys turned 3, maybe you are not thinking this but I sure am...where did those three years go and how are my "babies" not babies anymore they are growing up way to fast.  As I am glad they are growing, learning and being big boys, things happen daily that make me realize they are only "little" for so long.  As many people told me that they grow up so fast and I believed them I didn't think it was this fast.  I seriously remember three years ago today they were born like it was YESTERDAY!!  Looking back it was a scary time for Jared and I and now to look back and say I would go back a million times over and go through that pain and worrisome to know the boys would be "perfect" today in our eyes, even though it was a rough/scary start .  They are having so much character come out these days which is so fun.

Some of the things they love:
Dump Trucks, Diggers (Construction)
Animals (they love Moo's and really any animals)
Tractors(anything farm)
Balls(loving football, they put their helmets and pads on daily)
Love to eat and are not picky
Tristan LOVES sweets of any kind and Landon likes them but will give them to brother. Both LOVE ice cream. 

They are all boy and love everything that boys love.  They love to be rough with each other to wrestle, play football(tackle), soccer, basketball.  They love to push and pull anything they can.  They are the best of friends and so lovable but can push each other and fight just like all siblings.  But they get along so well.  I wish I could bottle this age up.  They are like sponges while learning things and want to learn everything, do things themselves(big boys), and help in all ways. 

One thing I just absolutely love right now that I know in a year or two will not be there is the love they give me.  They give me hugs and kisses galore and I eat it up!  At night time and dropping them off at daycare is when I get the most "loves", I know it is a distraction so I don't leave and they stay up longer but because they are only little for such short time I let them do it.  They will give me hugs and kiss (as Tristan says, big hugs, big kisses, little hugs, little kisses)  It is so cute.  I hope to get it on video so I have it to look at later in life. 

I am not sure if any of you can imagine this as a mom or not but may days I can't imagine Landon being grown up and have his own kids and Tristan too or see them in high school or college.  Maybe I can't imagine it because I don't want to yet.  Or maybe I can't imagine it because they are still so little.  I think more then likely it is I don't want to believe they "can" be that big at this point in our lives. 

This morning we had some family time together as Jared and I both had games tonight. Jared at home and mine on the road.  We got up made them muffins(that was by their request) open their gifts, then got ready and went to lunch at a "restaurant".  When we asked where they wanted to eat lunch Tristan said a restaurant, and Landon agreed.  So we went to Applebee's and they got some dessert too!  They went to Nikki's for the afternoon and then at night the Craigheads watched them for us which was so nice since I was struggling with not being with them I didn't want them to be with someone they are not comfortable being with so this made it better.  It is Jeremy's birthday today too so they got to share their birthday with their birthday buddy! 

Tomorrow we will head to Omaha for Thanksgiving and then back Friday to celebrate their birthday by having their party on Saturday. 

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