
Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!! Hope everyone had fun tricker treating with your children or having trick or treaters at your house, or whatever you may have done.  The boys did great tonight, at first you will notice in a couple of pictures how they didn't want their hats on.  Well, some of it was that Tristan wanted to take Landon's off.  Once we got in the car adn started going they had a ball.  We went with Kris and Maddie and Maddie's friend and mom.  We went house to house and stopped by the boys' doctor's house too!  His reply, "you guys are getting sooo big".  Thats good to hear, on a side note I go tthem weighed today and Landon was 19.6 and Tristan was 19, Landon still holds the lead. 

Landon getting ready with daddy

Here is the start of playing with each others hats:)

Landon above Tristan below

Tails soooo cute

We are ready to go trick-or-treating

Frist stop nana Susie's

This is the "whopper" that Tristan did not put down the WHOLE night until he went in his crib

The following pictures was Sunday and carving pumpkins at first they were interested but then slowing became uninterested especially Landon, he was done. 
Landon above, Tristan below

enjoying watching daddy

the boys are helping clean out the pumpkins:)  at first neither was sure , but Tristan jumped in soon and Landon a little.  both wanted to eat the seeds.

Landon is ready for bath and bed:(

Final project!  Mom's on the left and Dad's on the right

I can not believe tomorrow our babies will be in the month they turn one... wow 26 days, where does the time go.  I always saw with my neices adn nephews how fast it went but wow, does it go so much faster with your own.  I am excited for the First Birthday Party, I have been planning for awhile now.  Once I have things done I will be posting stuff, can't wait. 


  1. Love, Love, Love the pictures! Love, love, love the costumes! All around adorable!! :) Looks like you had a super-fun first Halloween!!

  2. Thanks and yes they did. Tristand got a "whooper" at the second house or so and would not let go of it until I laid him down for the night.
