Today was a great day for mommy, much needed day for me! The last couple of months have been super super busy with basketball and traveling to games, recruiting, practices, etc. etc. We had a game on Saturday and then we gave the girls off until Dec. 26th so I decided to stay home with the boys today and just hang out. We hung out in our pajama's until after morning nap, well the boys did. I decided to get in a quick workout and clean up while the boys were taking their morning nap. I even managed to get shower in too, they took a good nap oh and I got the house picked up and kitchen cleaned. They got up and all I wanted was to play with the boys and not worry about the house and such. So in a nutshell mom got a lot of snuggle time and play time in that she had missed out on the last couple months especially the last couple of weeks. And daddy was pretty happy to have dinner ready when he got home from work. He said I could get used to this, I said I could too, hehe:)
I will go into work tomorrow for a few hours and then home to hang with the boys and get things ready for Christmas, which we are almost ready. We will head to Omaha Thursday sometime to hang with Jared's family and then to my home New Year's Eve weekend for my family's Christmas. I love this time of year, its my favorite holiday...being with family is the most important thing to us and we love hanging with them, playing games, talking, or just sitting in each others presence. This year will be very different (but a good different) then Jared and I are used to with kids that are mobile and into opening gifts, we won't just be sitting back watching our nieces and nephews we will get to watch our own along with our nieces and nephews. I love to GIVE gifts LOVE LOVE LOVE it and love to see their faces when they get the gift they had wanted or asked for. If I was a millionaire I would buy for EVERYONE (maybe some day...but don't hold your breath). Well, with that being said I will post after Christmas and I hope you all have a Merry Merry Christmas and enjoy you family and be thankful for what you have! God is great and he is the REASON for this SEASON!
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