
Nice weekend

This weekend was very nice and laid back and I am looking forward to the next couple weeks!!  Friday night Jared, the boys, and I went recruiting.  The boys did great we got there and the boys ate and sat in their car seats until halftime then they got out and played for a bit.  Landon went with mommy to talk to recruits, he used his cute smile to try and get some extra bonus points on the girls so they would choose Morningside:).

Saturday I had a game in Fremont, NE so I got up and feed the boys and hung out with them a bit before I had to leave to get to shoot around at 10:30 and on the road at 11:02.  We had a slow start to the game but ended up winning 77-52.  Jared decided not to get a babysitter and took the boys up to Briar Cliff to the men's game that was at 4.  He said they did great.  I got back into town abut 6 and home about 6:30 and Jared home about 7:10 and we had a party/limo ride to get to.  One of our friends Kathy and Jeff LaFavor asked us to dress in ugly Christmas attire, meet at their house for a drink and then we would get in a limo to look at Christmas party.  The group was super super fun, we had a GREAT time.  Kathy is a doctor at my OB clinic so my doctor and the boy's doctor was there (they are married), her nurse and husband and 3 other couples from BC Nic and Michelle (men's BC BB coach) and Brian and Stacey Eben.  It was a great time.  Jared and I had only been out once to a concert and one other time for an hour without the boys so it was nice. 

Sunday was very relaxed day we hung out at home most of the day.  I did a little scrapbooking, not sure why I thought I had time for that with everything else we need to get done before Christmas but I really enjoyed it.  Then we went to our good friends Gunderson's for the evening.  Lisa has been asking us to come out and it hadn't worked out, they missed the boys' bday party because Isabel was sick so they had some gifts.  They are sooo good to us and very nice.  They are like family to us.  For you that don't know I nanned for them years ago and have stayed very close to them!  They spoil us!  They boys had a great time playing with Blaine and Lisa and the kids.  They were tired boys and were out before hitting the interstate. 

I am looking forward to the next couple weeks, as I love my job I am ready fro a break and some much needed cuddle time with my babies.  We don't have practice again until Dec. 26th so I will go to work a little this week but mostly hang at home with the boys.  I am so blessed to have the job i have and the flexibility I get so I can have this time with the boy.  We will just try and hang out but do need to get some Christmas shopping done and hopefully if time allows a little baking done before heading to Omaha on Thursday.  I hope you all have safe travels during this holiday season.

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