
Our baby is a….

Our baby that we have been wondering what you are for nine months is a GIRL!  I was so excited even though many times throughout the pregnancy I thought it was a girl but was unsure what to think as it was only one this time.  Jared keep saying its a boy as he just knew all the boy "stuff" we had and was worried what a girl would do to our account.  He told me I will take your debit card and check book from you, hehe.  I did scream when they said it was a girl!  This whole experience this time was so different, all for the better(all except no epiderial) hearing my baby cry was the best sound ever, holding her right away, nursing her right away all new as the boys were swept away moments after being born.  When I had here I cried looking at doctor asking if she was ok as she was purple(normal i am told), I was holding her saying this is awesome holding her!  After a bit they took her to clean her lungs out because she came out so fast and then she really screamed and that is where I lost it and really started crying saying, "this is such a great sound I didn't hear this before with the boys"  my doctor had to leave as she was going to cry and a few nurses stepped out and later told me because they got emotional.
So here is the story of little Miss Lily Mae…At 1:00am on March 23 I got put to go to the bathroom to find some bloody mucous, didn't know for sure what this was so called on call doctor and Jared called Jeremy and Kris.  They came right over and by the time I got off the phone the on call doctor (Dr. Vereen) said just to take some Benadryl and lay back down if contractions get stronger call hospital.  I didn't understand the benadryl and since I could sleep I researched it and later found out by doctor and nurses that Dr. Vereen says that to most patients to have them get some sleep before their big day.  He thought is was my mucous plug which you can lose that up to 2 weeks before delivery. So after being on internet looking up boys names and researching the reason for benadyl, (I didn't take the benadryl by the way) I started recording my contraction about 4:00 as they were getting stronger.  At 4:17 I got in the shower thinking they are getting stronger and closer and I wanted to shower.  My doctor was also on call on Monday so I thought if I could make it til 5:00am then go in maybe they would call her:).  So we call Jeremy back over because at about 2:00am we sent him home.  At about 4:$5 I woke JAred back up and said I think it is time so I called the hospital and he called Jeremy.  We of course had to go to Briar Cliff to grab the video camera.  I recorded my last contraction in the car at 5:32 so by the time I got into the room and everything it was about 5:45 and they checked me around 5:45/6:00 and Iw as dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced.  My friend Christi Bullock from the NICU came down and said what are you doing here…and we chatted for a few min.  after my third contraction while she was in there she said, I am going to check and make sure they have processed moving forward and has doctor called and epiderial ordered.  The nurse came back and said, I don't normally check you again after just 20-30 but you seem to be progressing so I will check you again, she said wow you have progressed to a 6 and 80% effaced I will get you checked in and in a room and doctor called and epiderial ordered! By the time the other nurse got me in wheelchair and to labor and deliver room I had progressed to a 7 and they could gave each other a look, like she is going fast.  They called doctor back and said you need to hurry she is going fast!  I kept asking where is epideral where is Mary(doctor), they just keep telling me to breath and they were both coming! Doctor was in shower, then drying hair, I said she don't have time to dry her hair…then before I knew it I was getting my epidural that didn't get in me in time and they shut off so she was a natural one (and yes if I had a choice I would do an epidural again if I have choice).  Dr. Mary Schneider got there and I was like Thank you thank you thank I think I said thank you and I am so glad you are here 100 times.  I needed to push and she said wait wait as she was getting her gown on and nurses were helping here.  I didn't even get my feet in the stirrups before pushing a few times and she was here.  It was great!  I couldn't believe it all we had her at 7:11 am she weighed in at 7 lbs. 2.2 oz. and 19.5 in. long. If you notice her bruising it is from coming so fast!

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