So here is the story of little Miss Lily Mae…At 1:00am on March 23 I got put to go to the bathroom to find some bloody mucous, didn't know for sure what this was so called on call doctor and Jared called Jeremy and Kris. They came right over and by the time I got off the phone the on call doctor (Dr. Vereen) said just to take some Benadryl and lay back down if contractions get stronger call hospital. I didn't understand the benadryl and since I could sleep I researched it and later found out by doctor and nurses that Dr. Vereen says that to most patients to have them get some sleep before their big day. He thought is was my mucous plug which you can lose that up to 2 weeks before delivery. So after being on internet looking up boys names and researching the reason for benadyl, (I didn't take the benadryl by the way) I started recording my contraction about 4:00 as they were getting stronger. At 4:17 I got in the shower thinking they are getting stronger and closer and I wanted to shower. My doctor was also on call on Monday so I thought if I could make it til 5:00am then go in maybe they would call her:). So we call Jeremy back over because at about 2:00am we sent him home. At about 4:$5 I woke JAred back up and said I think it is time so I called the hospital and he called Jeremy. We of course had to go to Briar Cliff to grab the video camera. I recorded my last contraction in the car at 5:32 so by the time I got into the room and everything it was about 5:45 and they checked me around 5:45/6:00 and Iw as dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. My friend Christi Bullock from the NICU came down and said what are you doing here…and we chatted for a few min. after my third contraction while she was in there she said, I am going to check and make sure they have processed moving forward and has doctor called and epiderial ordered. The nurse came back and said, I don't normally check you again after just 20-30 but you seem to be progressing so I will check you again, she said wow you have progressed to a 6 and 80% effaced I will get you checked in and in a room and doctor called and epiderial ordered! By the time the other nurse got me in wheelchair and to labor and deliver room I had progressed to a 7 and they could gave each other a look, like she is going fast. They called doctor back and said you need to hurry she is going fast! I kept asking where is epideral where is Mary(doctor), they just keep telling me to breath and they were both coming! Doctor was in shower, then drying hair, I said she don't have time to dry her hair…then before I knew it I was getting my epidural that didn't get in me in time and they shut off so she was a natural one (and yes if I had a choice I would do an epidural again if I have choice). Dr. Mary Schneider got there and I was like Thank you thank you thank I think I said thank you and I am so glad you are here 100 times. I needed to push and she said wait wait as she was getting her gown on and nurses were helping here. I didn't even get my feet in the stirrups before pushing a few times and she was here. It was great! I couldn't believe it all we had her at 7:11 am she weighed in at 7 lbs. 2.2 oz. and 19.5 in. long. If you notice her bruising it is from coming so fast!
Every Night Live!
This blog is about the nights and days of the Bodammer family!
Our baby is a….
Our baby that we have been wondering what you are for nine months is a GIRL! I was so excited even though many times throughout the pregnancy I thought it was a girl but was unsure what to think as it was only one this time. Jared keep saying its a boy as he just knew all the boy "stuff" we had and was worried what a girl would do to our account. He told me I will take your debit card and check book from you, hehe. I did scream when they said it was a girl! This whole experience this time was so different, all for the better(all except no epiderial) hearing my baby cry was the best sound ever, holding her right away, nursing her right away all new as the boys were swept away moments after being born. When I had here I cried looking at doctor asking if she was ok as she was purple(normal i am told), I was holding her saying this is awesome holding her! After a bit they took her to clean her lungs out because she came out so fast and then she really screamed and that is where I lost it and really started crying saying, "this is such a great sound I didn't hear this before with the boys" my doctor had to leave as she was going to cry and a few nurses stepped out and later told me because they got emotional.
So here is the story of little Miss Lily Mae…At 1:00am on March 23 I got put to go to the bathroom to find some bloody mucous, didn't know for sure what this was so called on call doctor and Jared called Jeremy and Kris. They came right over and by the time I got off the phone the on call doctor (Dr. Vereen) said just to take some Benadryl and lay back down if contractions get stronger call hospital. I didn't understand the benadryl and since I could sleep I researched it and later found out by doctor and nurses that Dr. Vereen says that to most patients to have them get some sleep before their big day. He thought is was my mucous plug which you can lose that up to 2 weeks before delivery. So after being on internet looking up boys names and researching the reason for benadyl, (I didn't take the benadryl by the way) I started recording my contraction about 4:00 as they were getting stronger. At 4:17 I got in the shower thinking they are getting stronger and closer and I wanted to shower. My doctor was also on call on Monday so I thought if I could make it til 5:00am then go in maybe they would call her:). So we call Jeremy back over because at about 2:00am we sent him home. At about 4:$5 I woke JAred back up and said I think it is time so I called the hospital and he called Jeremy. We of course had to go to Briar Cliff to grab the video camera. I recorded my last contraction in the car at 5:32 so by the time I got into the room and everything it was about 5:45 and they checked me around 5:45/6:00 and Iw as dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. My friend Christi Bullock from the NICU came down and said what are you doing here…and we chatted for a few min. after my third contraction while she was in there she said, I am going to check and make sure they have processed moving forward and has doctor called and epiderial ordered. The nurse came back and said, I don't normally check you again after just 20-30 but you seem to be progressing so I will check you again, she said wow you have progressed to a 6 and 80% effaced I will get you checked in and in a room and doctor called and epiderial ordered! By the time the other nurse got me in wheelchair and to labor and deliver room I had progressed to a 7 and they could gave each other a look, like she is going fast. They called doctor back and said you need to hurry she is going fast! I kept asking where is epideral where is Mary(doctor), they just keep telling me to breath and they were both coming! Doctor was in shower, then drying hair, I said she don't have time to dry her hair…then before I knew it I was getting my epidural that didn't get in me in time and they shut off so she was a natural one (and yes if I had a choice I would do an epidural again if I have choice). Dr. Mary Schneider got there and I was like Thank you thank you thank I think I said thank you and I am so glad you are here 100 times. I needed to push and she said wait wait as she was getting her gown on and nurses were helping here. I didn't even get my feet in the stirrups before pushing a few times and she was here. It was great! I couldn't believe it all we had her at 7:11 am she weighed in at 7 lbs. 2.2 oz. and 19.5 in. long. If you notice her bruising it is from coming so fast!
So here is the story of little Miss Lily Mae…At 1:00am on March 23 I got put to go to the bathroom to find some bloody mucous, didn't know for sure what this was so called on call doctor and Jared called Jeremy and Kris. They came right over and by the time I got off the phone the on call doctor (Dr. Vereen) said just to take some Benadryl and lay back down if contractions get stronger call hospital. I didn't understand the benadryl and since I could sleep I researched it and later found out by doctor and nurses that Dr. Vereen says that to most patients to have them get some sleep before their big day. He thought is was my mucous plug which you can lose that up to 2 weeks before delivery. So after being on internet looking up boys names and researching the reason for benadyl, (I didn't take the benadryl by the way) I started recording my contraction about 4:00 as they were getting stronger. At 4:17 I got in the shower thinking they are getting stronger and closer and I wanted to shower. My doctor was also on call on Monday so I thought if I could make it til 5:00am then go in maybe they would call her:). So we call Jeremy back over because at about 2:00am we sent him home. At about 4:$5 I woke JAred back up and said I think it is time so I called the hospital and he called Jeremy. We of course had to go to Briar Cliff to grab the video camera. I recorded my last contraction in the car at 5:32 so by the time I got into the room and everything it was about 5:45 and they checked me around 5:45/6:00 and Iw as dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced. My friend Christi Bullock from the NICU came down and said what are you doing here…and we chatted for a few min. after my third contraction while she was in there she said, I am going to check and make sure they have processed moving forward and has doctor called and epiderial ordered. The nurse came back and said, I don't normally check you again after just 20-30 but you seem to be progressing so I will check you again, she said wow you have progressed to a 6 and 80% effaced I will get you checked in and in a room and doctor called and epiderial ordered! By the time the other nurse got me in wheelchair and to labor and deliver room I had progressed to a 7 and they could gave each other a look, like she is going fast. They called doctor back and said you need to hurry she is going fast! I kept asking where is epideral where is Mary(doctor), they just keep telling me to breath and they were both coming! Doctor was in shower, then drying hair, I said she don't have time to dry her hair…then before I knew it I was getting my epidural that didn't get in me in time and they shut off so she was a natural one (and yes if I had a choice I would do an epidural again if I have choice). Dr. Mary Schneider got there and I was like Thank you thank you thank I think I said thank you and I am so glad you are here 100 times. I needed to push and she said wait wait as she was getting her gown on and nurses were helping here. I didn't even get my feet in the stirrups before pushing a few times and she was here. It was great! I couldn't believe it all we had her at 7:11 am she weighed in at 7 lbs. 2.2 oz. and 19.5 in. long. If you notice her bruising it is from coming so fast!
So since I haven't blogged in so long I will start with now and work my way backwards, so sorry. Wow LOTS have happened since the boys started school:).
This past week has been a bit long with sicks kids and all. About 10 days ago Landon started with a cold and we thought that was all until he started complaining of his ears, which I thought was just drainage from his cold. Well fast forward to 7 days later last Saturday at soccer camp(I will get to that). He came to get a drink and his ear was draining and I felt so bad as the night before he was uo again for the forth night in a row and I was just plain old TIRED:). Then i felt bad after seeing his ear. I had a game and had to leave camp to catch the bus and told Jared if he is in pain may need to take him to Urgent care. Sunday there was bloody crap coming out.
Sunday we went over to Craigheads to finally do our Christmas with them, we hadn't seen them since before Christmas, schedules are crazy. Well, Landon played fine ate fine so I thought well maybe an ear infection but its draining so we will see what tomorrow brings. Well, tomorrow came fast enough about 5:00 am I hear "MOMMY" in a way of pain, scared and I jumped up and hurried into his room. I said whats the matter buddy, "me's threw up all over". POOR KID so we got him in bathroom, I called for Jared as the smell was a bit much for me. Got him and bed cleaned up, found him a bucket and gave it to him told him, if he felt sick again to call for me use bucket and get into bathroom. I got him settled and headed back to bed. Not even 10 min. later I hear, "MOMMY" I run into his room he meets me in hall and we go to bathroom, he made it! He was such a champ throwing up in toilet. No temps so assumed just so much drainage making him sick. Then one more time and then he was back to sleep but assured me to make a doctor appointment. We got in at 9:15 so up we go having to wake up everyone as everyone was tired. We have been having car issues so Jared had to jump one car and take it I took boys and off we all went in 30 min.
At doctor (Dr. Amir, we LOVE him) he checks Landon's left ear and says, "ohh no buddy, oh" I am thinking oh no great! He said he had a big blood bluster that popped a ear infection and a ruptured ear drum. My heart sank, I felt awful awful. Then he checked other ear and said yep he has a double ear infection. I teared and and felt so bad we didn't take him in on Wed., Thurday or Friday. You just never know. He never ran a temp I checked it often. Doctor check Tristan too as he started to cough a lot that morning too. He was all good he has ONE tube in his left ear yet. So what does this mean for Landon, well hopefully with medicine and drops it all heals on own. If not we will talk about options but usually they go in and put a patch in but almost always in two weeks it clears up on its own. So we hope and pray.
This past week has been a bit long with sicks kids and all. About 10 days ago Landon started with a cold and we thought that was all until he started complaining of his ears, which I thought was just drainage from his cold. Well fast forward to 7 days later last Saturday at soccer camp(I will get to that). He came to get a drink and his ear was draining and I felt so bad as the night before he was uo again for the forth night in a row and I was just plain old TIRED:). Then i felt bad after seeing his ear. I had a game and had to leave camp to catch the bus and told Jared if he is in pain may need to take him to Urgent care. Sunday there was bloody crap coming out.
Sunday we went over to Craigheads to finally do our Christmas with them, we hadn't seen them since before Christmas, schedules are crazy. Well, Landon played fine ate fine so I thought well maybe an ear infection but its draining so we will see what tomorrow brings. Well, tomorrow came fast enough about 5:00 am I hear "MOMMY" in a way of pain, scared and I jumped up and hurried into his room. I said whats the matter buddy, "me's threw up all over". POOR KID so we got him in bathroom, I called for Jared as the smell was a bit much for me. Got him and bed cleaned up, found him a bucket and gave it to him told him, if he felt sick again to call for me use bucket and get into bathroom. I got him settled and headed back to bed. Not even 10 min. later I hear, "MOMMY" I run into his room he meets me in hall and we go to bathroom, he made it! He was such a champ throwing up in toilet. No temps so assumed just so much drainage making him sick. Then one more time and then he was back to sleep but assured me to make a doctor appointment. We got in at 9:15 so up we go having to wake up everyone as everyone was tired. We have been having car issues so Jared had to jump one car and take it I took boys and off we all went in 30 min.
At doctor (Dr. Amir, we LOVE him) he checks Landon's left ear and says, "ohh no buddy, oh" I am thinking oh no great! He said he had a big blood bluster that popped a ear infection and a ruptured ear drum. My heart sank, I felt awful awful. Then he checked other ear and said yep he has a double ear infection. I teared and and felt so bad we didn't take him in on Wed., Thurday or Friday. You just never know. He never ran a temp I checked it often. Doctor check Tristan too as he started to cough a lot that morning too. He was all good he has ONE tube in his left ear yet. So what does this mean for Landon, well hopefully with medicine and drops it all heals on own. If not we will talk about options but usually they go in and put a patch in but almost always in two weeks it clears up on its own. So we hope and pray.
We got the opportunity to go to Hawaii (Again), we are so fortunate that with my job and occasionally Jared's we get to travel to nice places. My basketball team was playing two games in Hawaii and of course there was some fun time or "down time". We left on Dec. 16 and came home on Dec. 24 morning. The boys stayed with grandma and grandpa Bodammer for the week. They did very well this time, we even FaceTimed them and showed them the ocean and they LOVED it and didn't cry this time. Last time we left them we couldn't FaceTime and call as they got too upset.
We got in early evening on Dec. 17 as we had a delay out of Dallas airport. Once we got in we went to the ocean and did a little workout mostly stretching and just getting the girls to move. Then out to dinner and after that Jared and i walked around a bit, I was tired and really for bed as it was a long day up early and to the airport by 4:00am.
Dec. 18 we got up and had practice at 8 am which forced us to get up early and moving which was a good thing.
Dec. 19 we got up and hiked Diamond Head with Sue, it was awesome, Jared and I do it every time we go, the view is AMAZING! This time was a bit different I had to take more breaks because of baby.
We got in early evening on Dec. 17 as we had a delay out of Dallas airport. Once we got in we went to the ocean and did a little workout mostly stretching and just getting the girls to move. Then out to dinner and after that Jared and i walked around a bit, I was tired and really for bed as it was a long day up early and to the airport by 4:00am.
Dec. 18 we got up and had practice at 8 am which forced us to get up early and moving which was a good thing.
Dec. 19 we got up and hiked Diamond Head with Sue, it was awesome, Jared and I do it every time we go, the view is AMAZING! This time was a bit different I had to take more breaks because of baby.
First Day if Pre School…Can this really be happening?
I think I asked myself this many times this week, can this really be happening? Can my baby boys really be in pre school already. Since many told me yes it can I started to believe it. Man where does the time go? I think why it was so hard (as I know it is hard for all moms for all ages) but for me this one as the first. But, so many moms young and old tell me the school age years go sooo fast, even faster…faster I feel the last three years went by like a blink. I think some of it goes with how busy Jared and I are with our jobs, our life, how much we run with the boys and ourselves so i guess here goes.
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Nice Picture... |
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With every nice picture comes a silly in our house (Tristan, will always ask mom can we do a silly one). Of Course |
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Off they go and they wanted to carry their lunch, drinks, backpacks…independent already YIKES |
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After this Jared says are you ready? I look at him and say no I need a min. As you can see below boys went right off to the play dough station and meeting new friends. |
So today I called two people I knew that could help me get through this, my dad and my mother-in-law. You all know I would have called my mom first if I could have called and asked her for advice to help me through but with my tears I knew that would not be good and she would just be worried and confused. My dad answered first(he always does man he is so good at answering his phone), I told him and the first thing he said, "Well why did you send them so early." As I did think about it for a half of second I answered quickly with they are so ready it is just me as a mom. He meant it in the sweetest way, he was not being rude just honest as he probably heard his wife say that many years ago with her kiddos. Then we talked about how they did and such. Then he says, you know I know someone else that cried every day of their first day and many of the first days and second days and so on. He always knows how to get his baby girl to laugh, yep he was referring to me:). Love him more than he knows! Next was Janet, she had to call back and by then I had settled down. She just talked me through it and said some very nice things like they will do so good, I am so proud of them. She mentioned how I was really good at enjoying every minute with them. how they were lucky to have me as a mom and plenty more years of great moments and memories. Your heart will be so full an treasure each day. How She made me cry again for all the kind words it made me realize all the good too.
So as they start their first day(week) of school and we let them spread their wings and fly I wish them luck and pray they do well and enjoy it all because it will go way too fast for them too.
So as they start their first day(week) of school and we let them spread their wings and fly I wish them luck and pray they do well and enjoy it all because it will go way too fast for them too.
Pennsylvania…Sure Why Not Drive!
Yes that title is correct... We went to Pennsylvania and we DROVE…in an RV! Crazy I know right, oh and it was not just us four there were 11 of us in the RV, even crazier huh? To be honest, it actually went very well!
We started the journey on June 27 at about 9:45, leaving Omaha and heading east. I really was unsure of how it would go and what to all expect. but I just prayed and tried to stay calm in such a small area. The boys LOVED it, every part of it. They took their naps great and slept through the night. On the way out, Landon slept almost 3 hours for nap, I was impressed. I barely slept with the worry of Jared driving, the old RV, boys falling off beds and the fact that it was very bumpy in the back but all was well. On the way out Jared drove a couple times with his longest stint from 9:30 pm until 4:30 am (Long huh?) He did great and I was glad we just kept driving and made up good ground while the kids were sleeping. I brought many activities and crafts for the three 3-year olds (Jared's niece is 3 too:)). I felt I was busy with the three little ones the entire time we were in the RV so didn't get to sit and relax and catch up much, but that was okay. We got there about noon on June 28, yep 26 hours(map quest said 18 hours, I figured 24 so 26 was not too bad). Once we were there the vacation got even better!
I will let the pictures do much of the talking, but we stayed at Central House in Beach Lake, PA, a resort with homestyle meals, a lake, a pool and many activities for the kids. Janet (Jared's mom) and her family used to go there for their family vacation years ago so it was fun for them to be back. Oh maybe I should tell you this was a family reunion for Jared's moms side. Many people I have never met and many Jared had not seen since 1988 were there. There was 40 of us in all, which was so awesome! We all had our own room/place which was really nice. Janet, Rich, Jared, the boy and I had a little cottage down by the lake. It was real nice and nice to have our own place. The boys had their own room as did Jared and I upstairs with our own bathroom...very nice. Most of our days consisted of pool/lake time, FOOD, activities, nap time, MORE FOOD, and some fun activities at nights sometimes with kids sometimes without. There was meal time and if you missed it you didn't eat so that is why I say FOOD, I felt like I was always eating! Meal times were 8:00 am, 12:30, and 5:30. Which the 5:30 was a bit early after just finishing at 1:30ish. The other hard part was 8:00 am as the boys were usually still asleep and we had to wake them. At meal time we would sit at a round table with eight other family members and pass the food. The boys enjoyed this as well, they liked to dish their own food on their plate.
Our stay was supposed to end Saturday, July 5th at 10:00 am so we pulled away around 11. However, instead of heading to Omaha and then to Sioux City we went to….New York City. Tara really really wanted to (I didn't care either way). So we decided to head there with a quick pit stop at Walmart to get umbrella strollers because there was no way I was taking two (three) 3 year olds into New York City to have them walk the whole time or to have us carry them. So we headed to a train station in Jersey and then into the city. We left the RV and Rich (he hurt his knee and does not like big crowds anyways) at the train station and off we went. The boys were really excited about the train.
Like I said it was a quick trip. We got to the train station about 3:30 and on the train and back to the RV about 11 pm. We came right into Penn Station and we walked up the stairs to Madison Square Garden, which was nice to see but we couldn't go in. Then we just stayed around midtown and saw as much as we could (or as much as time allowed) - Times Square, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Saks Fifths Ave, CBS Studios - Today Show building, David Letterman Theater, Radio City Music Hall, etc... A decent amount in a little amount of time! I could not believe the number of people…. I knew there was a lot, but wow! I also could not get over the roads and how small they seemed.
So we got back to the RV about 11 and on our way. Dave drove us out of New Jersey until about 1:30 and then Jared drove from 1:30-7:30 am. Another tough shift, but he did great! I stayed up with him until about 4:30 then woke up Hunter. (Hunter stayed up with him almost the whole way out…he did great) Then, I tried to sleep, but of course I couldn't so went back up with him about 6:00. The trip went well on way home. I feel it went a lot faster, but it was a little warm in the RV as the air struggled to keep it cool on the way back. We arrived in Omaha about 10:00 pm and then we showered quick and got on road and got back to Sioux City at about midnight. I had to work on Monday morning.
I have been asked if I would do again and I said yes I would if I can guarantee no break down with the RV and if the the air could keep up the entire trip. Oh and maybe once the boys are potty trained through the night…just one less thing to worry about! But I would like that even if I wasn't traveling in an RV for a day or more at a time. What I continued to tell myself is that it was an adventure and that we were making memories even if things didn't go exactly as planned.
We started the journey on June 27 at about 9:45, leaving Omaha and heading east. I really was unsure of how it would go and what to all expect. but I just prayed and tried to stay calm in such a small area. The boys LOVED it, every part of it. They took their naps great and slept through the night. On the way out, Landon slept almost 3 hours for nap, I was impressed. I barely slept with the worry of Jared driving, the old RV, boys falling off beds and the fact that it was very bumpy in the back but all was well. On the way out Jared drove a couple times with his longest stint from 9:30 pm until 4:30 am (Long huh?) He did great and I was glad we just kept driving and made up good ground while the kids were sleeping. I brought many activities and crafts for the three 3-year olds (Jared's niece is 3 too:)). I felt I was busy with the three little ones the entire time we were in the RV so didn't get to sit and relax and catch up much, but that was okay. We got there about noon on June 28, yep 26 hours(map quest said 18 hours, I figured 24 so 26 was not too bad). Once we were there the vacation got even better!
Paddle boat fun! |
Lake time with all the cousins |
Pool time, boys love jumping in the pool |
Little soccer with new cousin Ethan and their buddy Braeden which the boys especially Landon wanted to always go with Braeden. |
Landon and one if his many frogs he held, he loved them |
Jared's uncle Jeff and boys jumping in hot tub, what a good sport |
Dance, boys stayed up for a bit of it |
Pet rock |
Camp Fire at the resort |
They are so affectionate, don't get me wrong they are all boy and love to wrestle, shoot guns, throw balls but deep down they can't stand to be apart. |
BIG STEP Tristan went all the way under a lot we were all so proud (even him:)) Landon did it a little too |
Pet Rocks sleep over |
Tristan had it and ready for nap |
Bell Ringers for the evening meal (Every meal they had bell ringers for people to know that the food was ready) |
Story time before bed, trying to keep some normalcy while on vacation can be hard but we did pretty good was nice to have our own little cabin. |
Karaoke night…"We Are a Family" |
Tequila shots anyone…why not?? |
Scavenger Hunt for the little ones around the resort |
The whole group |
Egg Toss CHAMPIONS, what does that mean they get a trophy and their name up on a wall at the resort, pretty big stuff!
Last Picture before we leave |
Good Byes are so hard…when family is so far away Janet hugging her sister, I was a mess! |
"The RV" |
Story time in RV before nap on the way to New York |
Like I said it was a quick trip. We got to the train station about 3:30 and on the train and back to the RV about 11 pm. We came right into Penn Station and we walked up the stairs to Madison Square Garden, which was nice to see but we couldn't go in. Then we just stayed around midtown and saw as much as we could (or as much as time allowed) - Times Square, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Saks Fifths Ave, CBS Studios - Today Show building, David Letterman Theater, Radio City Music Hall, etc... A decent amount in a little amount of time! I could not believe the number of people…. I knew there was a lot, but wow! I also could not get over the roads and how small they seemed.
Train |
Madison Square Garden |
I can dream right…. |
Nathans Hot dogs |
Times square |
M & M world |
Rockefeller Center |
This is made of baby crocs…too cute |
Empire State Building |
So we got back to the RV about 11 and on our way. Dave drove us out of New Jersey until about 1:30 and then Jared drove from 1:30-7:30 am. Another tough shift, but he did great! I stayed up with him until about 4:30 then woke up Hunter. (Hunter stayed up with him almost the whole way out…he did great) Then, I tried to sleep, but of course I couldn't so went back up with him about 6:00. The trip went well on way home. I feel it went a lot faster, but it was a little warm in the RV as the air struggled to keep it cool on the way back. We arrived in Omaha about 10:00 pm and then we showered quick and got on road and got back to Sioux City at about midnight. I had to work on Monday morning.
Last nap on the RV |
I have been asked if I would do again and I said yes I would if I can guarantee no break down with the RV and if the the air could keep up the entire trip. Oh and maybe once the boys are potty trained through the night…just one less thing to worry about! But I would like that even if I wasn't traveling in an RV for a day or more at a time. What I continued to tell myself is that it was an adventure and that we were making memories even if things didn't go exactly as planned.
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