
Weekend get away

This past weekend we went to visit Maren and Jim in Minneapolis, it was Jared, myself, the boys and Janet(Jared's mom).  We wanted to get some shopping in at IKEA and at the Mall of America so we asked Janet to go along because she likes IKEA too!  We had a great time catching up with Maren and Jim and shopping.  The boys did pretty well considering we made them shop til they dropped almost every day!  We left on Thursday early afternoon, the boys didn't have a nap yet so we thought they would be tired...that they were but over tired!  We had just switched them over to their new car seats and they had not adjusted to them yet so they were a little fussy on the way there with no nap and not use to car seats.  Nonetheless we made it there after about 6 hours with a sit down eating in there.  We let the boys stay up and hang with Julianna (Maren's girl) for a bit and then off to bed for a busy Friday of shopping at IKEA. 

Jared reading nighttime story to Tristan and Juliana

Tristan trying to give JP a good night kiss and JP not so sure about it.  Landon is taking notes on how to do it:)

Good morning daddy!

The boys slept great, but Julianna not so well, so about 6:00 I got up and went to rock Julianna for Maren to get some sleep (Jim was out of town until late Friday night).  Friday all kids did pretty good considering we had them in crazy IKEA for about 6 hours.  We got asked a few times if they were triplets:)  Jared, Janet and I got some goods its always fun stuff at IKEA.  Friday night we went out to dinner, Landon and Julianna were a treat at dinner Landon didn't want to sit and Julianna wanted to share her food with all the tables around us(throwing it).  Then back to Maren's to put the kids down and catch up on each others lives.  Jared hit the sack early as well so it felt like college again just staying up late and catching up, except this time was about husbands and kids as opposed to boyfriends and sports. 

A little diaper time before bedtime

Julianna wanted the boys to get their PJ's on

Saturday was the mall day so Maren and Jim were so kind to hang with the boys while they napped feed them lunch and give Julianna nap then head to the mall.  Then we got the kids and they went to pick up a couch at IKEA they wanted with our vehicle.  After us shopping and them taking couch back home and back we went to dinner which tonight it was Tristan that was throwing his food and be ornery.  After dinner, we headed back to the Roche's to put together their couch they got. 

Sunday morning we got up ate breakfast, with no rush to get on the road after boys got up from morning nap we got on the road to head to the outlet mall(on our way home).  There was some great sales this weekend with it being memorial day but was it busy.  By this time the boys were done sitting in the stroller and shopping and when they were out of their stroller they were into everything.  So after closing down that mall we grab some food and got on the road.  The boys did better on the way home.  This was the first time they had really watched any TV/ movies they loved it Tristan kept pointing and saying huh, huh!  We ran into some pretty bad storms, raining so hard we could hardly see, but Jared did a great job! 

One last drink before hitting the road

Monday we had some friends over to grill out, play bags and let the kids play.  It was a great day but our boys were beat and ready for bed early!  An eventful weekend but a very fun and good to get away and see Maren and let our kids play together. 

Hope all of you had a fun and safe Holiday weekend!

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