
Big Boys...too fast

I know if you read my blog you are thinking I always talk about my boys growing up too fast and such but I just really feel it is so true.  So tonight the boys are sleeping in a big boy bed (toddler bed) .  I was hoping that we could hold off a bit longer but with litte mr. monkey himself, Landon we decided it wasn't worth it.  This week a few times Landon was out of his crib.  First time was in the morning I had a 5:30am practice so Jared heard on the monitor someone talking which seemed to be very close to the monitor and muffled.  He went to check on the boys and foudn Landon on top of the dresser.  Now lucky for us the dresser is a long flat one not a tall one but still.  So I thought that was once no big deal, lets hope no more.  Then a couple days later when Jared put the boys down for nap, Landon comes walking out to the living room, so he escaped again.  Then the last straw was he was on top of his dresser just the other morning.  So I told Jared we need to get them in big boy beds so we did.  I am a little nervous about this as they were GREAT sleepers, went down great, slept through the night GREAT, and didn't get up to early.  I just hope this doesn't change...I will keep you posted.  As of now they have been in their beds for 20 min. and they have not been out a have made a peep.  I think the first time they come walking in our room I will be scared, maybe not scared just caught off guard. 

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