
Day in Day out

I know I haven't been posting as much lately, but not a whole lot to update you about, even though the boys do and say something new everyday that I "don't want to forget".  I don't have enough time in the day to write or type everything but will try.  I started official basketball practices last Monday a week ago so craziness is about here, or is here.  Jared is still busy with all his sports which is all year long but when basketball is here we have some hectic days but get through them.  With having the boys at an in home daycare we (aka Jared) needs to plan his day a little better especially on his pick up days.  He does pretty good and hasn't been late but starting now he will pick up most days as I will have practice or games in the afternoon/evening.  The boys are doing great at daycare and really enjoying all their "new friends".  We have had a couple incidents that I haven't wrote about yet.  Landon bite two different kids over a months span so not biting every day but nonetheless he bite!  I always said, I hope I don't have the kid that bites.  Well I do...sort of I wouldn't say he is a biter because he rarely does it and every time I caught him he was biting Tristan it was because they were hugging and he got really excited and then would bite him.  He never bite him out of fighting or mad at him always would be loving him up and got over excited.  Well, at daycare the Friday before Labor Landon bite Tristan and Nikki(the sitter), texted me about it.  Well, later that night got another text saying a little girl's mom texted her that she had a bite mark on her back.  I felt AWFUL AWFUL!  I tried to talk to him and cried to Jared how awful I felt.  Nikki said we just have to watch him and stop this as soon as possible.  So that weekend I was home and watched him and nothing some hitting but no attempts at biting and I didn't let him out of my sight much.  Then about a week or two ago Nikki texted me again that he bite a little boy.  Again Nikki did not see it which was hard on both Nikki and I.  I of course cried and wrote another apology letter to the parents and said we are working on it.  However, hard to work on it when he doesn't do it very often.  Everyone I talk to say it is a kid thing and he will out grow it.  I hope very soon.  But then again it is not everyday so hard on Nikki to prevent and such too.  That has really been the only bad thing happening at daycare and mommy having awful quilt.   The hard part is since he is not getting caught at daycare when we find out at night time then we talk to him about it and he just looks at us like, ya I did that but 10 hours ago and then hard to punish him.  Landon (well both boys) are very sweet boys but can just be boys at times but they are so lovable so when this happened I just hate it! 
This past weekend and week we didn't do a whole lot just trying to do some projects around the house big and small before my games and recruiting gets here and I am NEVER home.  Between cleaning and projects I don't get much done on my days off.  But I love fall SATURDAYS, I get so much accomplished.  I would like to get other things done like scrapbook and such but once my projects are all caught up maybe, prolly not anytime soon.  But scrapbooking is a project so maybe I could fit that in some Saturday. 
This week we have 5:30 am practice which means I am up by 4:30 and out the door by 4:40 and as much as I don't like them, they are sort of nice to have the rest of the day to get stuff done in the office and at home, if I don't squeeze in a nap.  Which most days I don't but some days I am really tired and just say I will nap for 30 min. and next thing I know the boys r waking me up with talking because they are now up 2 hours later:).  Well, the projects and house cleaning will always be there I figure.  Alos, just to note I usually do this stuff while boys are napping or playing but I always find lots of time to play with the boys because I think that is the most important thing.  I can't believe our boys are almost two already.  I was just telling Jared we are always so busy that somedays are a blurr and I don't like it.  So when I am home with boys we play even if the house needs cleaned or projects need done. 
Enjoy your week!

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