
Moo Cow Moo

Yep the boys were cows!  We knew for sure they were going to be an animal of some sort because they LOVE animals.  When we read books and there is a cow on the page they are either saying dow dow (cow cow) or moo moo so we went with a cow this year.  This year they were really into compared to last year which was fun.  I was worried how they would act when seeing some "scary" costumes but they did very well.  We went over to Craighead's for dinner and then headed out on their street.  There are a lot of houses and it is flat so that was nice.  Landon did not want to put his head part to his costume on at first but I got him to by saying if you want to go outside you need to have your hat on.  He forgot about it within minutes of being outside.  We did take the stroller or we would have only made it to two houses because the boys are not the fastest walkers and they are curious.

Family photo, Landon on left

Daddy being silly putting bucket on Landon's head

First stop Austin right out of their house

Tristan very excited about his candy

They were so cute holding hands walking up to houses.  

Landon was not real sure what was on Tristan's head and kept looking at it for the first few houses.  

Tristan was going to eat his candy with the wrapper on if  no one helped him.  We let them have a sucker each...which was a mess but figured it was Halloween!

Maddie was a big helper and she was so excited to go trick-or-treating with the Bodie Boys, the boys were just as excited! Next year will even be better with them walking the whole time( I would assume).

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