
Happy Valentine's Day

Sorry for not posting for such a long time but since we got home we are enjoying every minute together and some days I barely get a shower in, but it is all so worth it.  Happy Valentine's Day to every one of our family and friends, we love you are so much.  The boys' first Valentine's day was pretty good but a bit stressful..  Grandma Judy had a follow up appointment so the boys and dad stayed home.  Grandma, grandpa and I went to appointment which is always so hard on all of us.  We came home from appointment and gave Grandma Judy a dozen roses...which she loved.  Then dad had to go to work so grandma Judy,the boys and I hung out and went to practice.  I think we all know were grandpa Ronnie went..."the boat".  Since Jared had to work grandma and grandpa and us 3 decided to go out to dinner.  Sort of forgetting it was Valentine's day but we didn't have to wait long.  They boys were doing great, we get our food and mine was wrong so had to send it back and that was too long and Tristan was not happy.  He was hungry and hungry now.  I came prepared with a bottle but he did not want to wait for it to warm up so we just paid and left.  One thing that the boys have not quite figured out yet is patience when hungry.  So we get home and both boys are starving and this feeding is the bottle feeding.  We have to give one bottle of breast milk a day with their vitamin in it.  Jared was still not home and boys were not happy before, after or during feeding.  Grandma Judy was helping but boys were just fussy.  Anyways after a long day Jared came home and they were calmed down and in bed and Jared surprised me with some gifts.  So after a long and stressful day it ended great with hugs from Jared and I walk in living room seeing my parents(grandma and grandpa) snuggling in the chair. 

Today Landon was 7 lbs. 3 oz and Tristan was 8 lbs. 3 oz, can't believe how big they are getting already.  To most of you this may still seem small but to us they seem so big.  You can definitely tell the difference a pound makes when you hold them Tristan is solid and Landon is like a feather.  Jared and I laugh that we know have babies the size of most babies born:)

I am going to try and post some pictures.  I have had a lot of people that follow our blog ask for them so here we go.  They may not be in any particular order but here we go.  Also, we will try and update the blog more again, so keep checking in on us.  But as for the boys not too much new they are growing. 

One more thing, when I(Jill) post you are not allowed to criticize as I am not even in the ballpark of a good write compared to Jared.  But the good news is if Jared is busy you will at least get an update. 

Happy Valentine's Day LOVE YOU ALL!!

Landon looking out the window...they love to do this

Tristan chillin'

Landon with adorable outfit on

Notice Tristan in the outfit...he fills it out a lot more:)

WE love our Valentine's gift from Grandma and Grandpa Bodammer...the outfits too cute! Thank you

Tristan having a melt down...hungry


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