
Where I came from...

Back where I come from, I think about that a lot especially lately!  My family is the biggest blessing I could ever ask for.  One of the main reasons is because if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be who I am today!  I continue to thank God for all the blessing he has given me.  Even if there are some things I wouldn't have written in my life story if I were writing it but God has a plan.  In the big scheme of things I am more than BLESSED!  I recently got this mirror and on it, it says "TRULY BLESSED"  I really feel that.  On the days I am feeling down and look into the mirror I hope it will change my mood.  So that leads into my weekend and how I am so glad for the parents I have.  They have raised me into such an amazing women, as I know I have faults (more than I would like) I feel I am a good person to myself and others and have a good head on my shoulders. 
This past weekend was going to be another uneventful weekend and as it was we had a pleasant surprise.  My dad called me Friday morning and asked what we were doing and I said no plans, are you going to COME and visit us??:)  He said was thinking about driving mom down to see the boys.  I was ecstatic but said what about Jared and I and what about YOU don't you want to see us.  So none the less they came and it was a fabulous weekend.  Friday night we grilled and then went to the Briar Cliff vs. Morningside football scrimmage.  It was fun but I didn't see much of the game.  Mom and I were chasing the boys up and down the bleachers and on the track and field.  Mom got stung by a wasp:( but was ok.  They were swarming all four of us and got mom. 
Saturday we got up had a nice breakfast and then mom and I did some major cleaning...like old times.  It was so nice to get the floors done good and good cleaning done. Then after boys naps we took bath, showers and got ready for church.  After helping mom with hair and make up she looked in the mirror and looked at me and said, "thank you for making me look pretty."  Made me SMILE!!  I think church took mom and dad right back to having little ones again and not being able to hear a thing the priest says:).  They were great help and we made it through and went off to dinner at one of dad's favorites Hungry's. 
Sunday before mom and dad left mom and I went and got a pedicure and mom got a manicure too, it was AWESOME!! Not only to relax but to see mom's face and hear how excited she was to be pampered.  I am not sure how many times she has been pampered like that, not many I know that.  She was excited to show dad when we got home at "how pretty" she was. 
I am not sure how many of you that read my blog know that my mom has Alzheimer's, so every second I get to spend with her is priceless to me(us, Jared and boys).  So her feeling pretty and good about herself is more than I can ask.  She does pretty good but has her moments!  It may not be the "plan" I had for my mom or our family but she is here and as it is not always ideal and causes stress on our family she is here!  The most stress is on my dad but he does so AWESOME with her and laughs it off, which is all you can do.  I am so glad I got to spend the weekend with her and dad and hope to have so many more!  She means so well and as she may not always remember what she said, asked or is doing she is my mom.  My mom and I have always been very close growing up she was my best friend someone that would always listened to me and give me great advice.  So as she has changed she is still my best friend and still listens to me.  I just don't always get advice but I just remember back in the day and know she would give it to me if she had it in her.  I feel mom is one of the most genuine people I know so when this awful disease "acts" up it is so HARD but I know it is not my mom.  I guess if I had to choose this or a disease, cancer something where mom was suffering I would take this EVERY time you asked me.  She is not suffering and it is way harder on all us family but we are STRONG and we can do it!  I am so proud of my family, dad, brothers and sisters couldn't ask for a better supportive family! 
Seeing my boys interact with "grandma" is so priceless I love watching them, the LOVE between them is amazing.  Even though we don't see grandma and grandpa Rosenmeyer as much as we would like the boys pick up right away with grandma and act like they saw her yesterday.  Landon has been a little weary of grandpa lately but not this trip he was giving him hugs and kisses all the time.  I wish I could bottle it all up and pull it out in the future!
So the moral of this post is feel blessed to have what you have and if you are not happy with it try and change it and if you can't change it make the bet of what God has given you. 
Tell the people you LOVE daily, hourly you LOVE them you don't know when they will be gone or when they won't remember the "little things".